Glad to Be Here..
Howdie : )
My name is Kim. I started my Ribby a couple weeks ago, but I've been working hard on school so I haven't had much time to knit on it. I've completed the back and now I'm working on one of the sleeves. (Yes I'm going out of order.. lol. I was getting a lil sick of my main color.) OOh, and this is my first sweater, so you might be getting lots of questions from me.. and possibly (but hopefully not) some tales of woe about frogging.
Oh.. speaking of yarn, I'm using Rowan All Seasons cotton in True Blue (Body) and Dusk (sleeves). I would use the Highland Wool but I can't knit with wool.. It makes my hands burn and itch. I really like my yarn substitute though, it's workin out real well.
Here's the latest picture of my progress:
That's all I can think of to say right now.. but I'm sure I'll be back. : )
Hi there Ribby looks great I thought about making one but I am so ADD I would be definately going out of order upside down and backwards. Frogging well I am actually quite good at it,I frogg quite often hee, hee oh well I get distracted and drop stitches and create some too... I looooveee Rowan yarn too OMG
Thanks for comment, Me The Pink Cast : )
8:49 PM
looks good. ribby is my first sweater too, and im having a great time knitting her.
8:36 AM
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