Saturday, January 15, 2005


About 12" up the back of my cardi, I realized something.
A very bad thing.

I messed up the ribbing at the bottom. I accidentally did 2x2 ribbing halfway through one section of the 2x3 ribbing. Oh. my. freaking. god.
I just pulled out the whole thing. Starting over now-- anyone else way back at square one?

I have to devote most of my knitting time in the upcoming couple weeks to teh lace scarf I am working on for my MIL, so my cardi won't complete until at least mid-February.

The only good thing about it is I'm visiting Scout and she has a ball winder for me to wind back up all my yarn!


Blogger goodkarma said...

Ack! Sorry, Carole. What a pain. I was about to ask you if you could just drop down and redo the stitches with a crochet hook, but it sounds like it's a big enough section that unknitting makes more sense. :(

I'm back at square one with my sleeves. I was about 3/4 done with #1 and I realized I'd made a counting error with the increases at some point. After counting and recounting, my eyes glazed over, so I decided to just put it away and start sleeve #2. I'll have to deal with #1 again later!

3:20 PM


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