Sunday, February 06, 2005

New Kid on the Block

Guess what?

That's what!

Ribby Cardi is blocking now and boy, oh boy, am I excited to be close to the finish line. The pattern was so well written! The Peruvian Highland Wool handled and blocked so fabulously! Can't wait to see it on.


Blogger amber said...

It looks great. Where do you get a nice blocking board like that?


12:35 PM

Blogger strangelittlemama said...

wow! I need to pick mine up again. I'm curious about the blocking board, too.

1:40 PM

Blogger goodkarma said...

My ultra fabulous blocking board is actually just a plain old cutting board that seamstresses use. You know, the old cardboard ones that fold up accordion style? I bought a new one just for blocking because I was afraid that the wetness would warp it or make it pucker up after a while, and make it less useful for sewing. It was $14.99 at JoAnn. It's actually turning out to work very well and I'm sure I'll get several uses out of it. The pins poke right in to the cardboard just fine. And I always squeeze the extra water out of my pieces with a towel, so by the time they're laying out on the board they're not all that damp anymore.

4:04 PM


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