taking a break from the LSAT to do some ribby
here's my first few inches of ribby on a rather appropriate backdrop (i blame that test for my lack of progress!)
at this rate, i'll zip right through it after i'm done filling in bubbles for (hopefully) the last time ever!
Good luck on the LSAT! (If your law school tests are anything like my medical school tests, you'll be filling in bubbles for quite some time.) Nice color Ribby, too!
8:05 PM
Love that color of your ribbi. Good luck with your LSTAT's!!
8:37 AM
How did your LSAT go?? I'm in my second year of law school at the Univ. of Denver. I didn't knit at all in my first year because I obsessed about studying. Now I realize that I need to knit to keep me from going crazy!
7:56 AM
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