Wednesday, December 29, 2004


Am I the only one who is knitting this with a crochet hook very nearby as to correct my knitting in places where I seem to miss the proper stitch? I've had to correct about 4-6 different stitches where I knit or purled where I was supposed to do the opposite. I can't tell if it's because I have two kids running around me as I knit, the yarn I'm using is the heather grey and it's very darkand hard to see the stitches, or it's my Knitting ADD? At least know how to fix them but geez! I think I should stick to my size 50 needles and my super chunky yarn. At least until my kids are away in college! Someone make me feel better and tell me that I'm not the only one who can't seem to pay attention enough to get the pattern perfect on the first go.....


Blogger T. said...

It happened to me *all* the time too!

2:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, same thing happening to me. I've started double checking every couple of rows because I've knit so many purls and vice versa. The crochet hook has become a good friend during this project.

4:31 PM


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