Monday, March 27, 2006

Finished (so long ago)

I finished my ribby (my first sweater!) way back in, June 2005. I just never got around to posting the finished product.

I used 5 skeins of Cascade 220 for the 36/37 size. I lengthened the body and sleeves a bit, but I don't know how much. I ordered my zipper from after not being able to find anything remotely suitable locally. The zipper installation was a bit of a pain, but let's not get into that!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Greetings from a New Place : )

Hello there,

My husband and I just moved into our first apartment! (Say it with me, "Awww.")

But really that's not what I'm here for.. lol. The point is that I'm a little behind on things (And moving is the reason) and I'd like a favor from you guys..

Please look at the members list down the side of the blog and make sure that your name is there how you want it, and that it links to wherever you want it to link to (Your blog, or site, or nothing if you have neither of those things)

If your name is wrong or is missing please leave a note in the comments on this entry and I'll fix it for you : )

Thanks in advance!