Sunday, February 19, 2006

Finally, a picture!

I posted a little while back with a question about zippers...I've since pieced the whole thing together (after overblocking it: d'oh!). I lengthened the sleeves and the body, but the body is still a little short for my tastes. I love it, though! Very warm, and the color turned out nicely.

I still haven't ordered a zipper...but I plan on doing so soon. Can't wait to wear this bad boy!


Blogger Melissa said...

It looks good! I am using the same colors, are you going to go with the beige zipper?

4:39 PM

Blogger Amanda said...

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10:23 PM

Blogger Amanda said...


Yes, I'm probably going to go with the beige zipper. I'm a little nervous about ordering it online, though...I don't want to get something that looks awful and not be able to do anything about it! :)

10:25 PM

Blogger Bonne Marie said...

Hi Amanda! I used a beige zipper in my Ribby Cardi. The Band is just big enough to hide the teeth and tape. I got my seperating zipper at a Joann's by my house. There might be some at fabrice stores near you so if you feel ooky online, go local! :)

Bring your sweater with you to lay zippers on it to see if you like the colors. They usually have the basics: white, black, beige, dk green, red, navy and sometimes brown...

11:36 AM

Blogger Amanda said...

I just have to say that I think it's completely awesome of Bonne Marie to be helping out on these boards. I feel like a celebrity just commented on my entry! :-D

9:49 PM


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