Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - Peruvian Collection Highland Wool - Peruvian Collection Highland Wool

Looks like Elann has some great new colors to choose from - tempting to make a second sweater - I still haven't sewn mine together though!!


Blogger Leisel said...

Yeah, they put these up 2 weeks ago (I think they were the colors they sold out of first, so they knew there was high demand), and I've been keeping an eye on the numbers available for my favorite colors. Since I haven't even come close to finishing this sweater, I can't justify buying more to make another one yet... this may change if my favorite colors start to run out.

I'm seriously thinking about another sweater in the Coffee Bean Brown and Oxblood. Plus, there's an example of the 2x2x3x1 version of the sweater here that is just so, so cute. Part of me wants to do it in exaclty the colors (not Peruvian Highland Wool) that she used, part of me wants to do it in the PHW Oxblood, Oxford Grey Heather, and Black, and part of me says... well, if I do the brown and oxblood one, I should pick a different main color... that would be Deep Blue Sea.

On the other hand, it's a little frustrating because even though there's a lot of colors there I like, I can't see most of them together. Now that they're back, the colors I'd want to pair them with are gone. Of course, maybe that's a good thing for me. I certainly couldn't afford to buy all the yarn to make everything I had in mind... unless they're going to get them going as permanent stock, my bank account is much safer not having too many colors to choose from that I MUST BUY NOW or they'll be gone.

- Leisel

4:03 PM


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